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Practical and logistics

Sign-up and registration

We have some excellent sign-up and registration systems. As such, handling sign-ups and registrations is one of the services that we provide for a lot of our clients. And because we have the experience and we provide many of these services throughout the year, we can offer competitive prices.

Let OrgaNicer take care of registration and sign-ups to save you time.

  • Online sign-up form – of course with graphic adjustment so that it matches your event branding.

  • Option for differentiated participant offers, which means that we can create different participant categories with access to different options during registration.

  • Opportunity to have your own unique email address for the event.

  • Access to online participant lists and other useful reports. This means that, as the organiser, you can always keep up to date with the current sign-up status. You can also access and download different graphs and overviews for internal use.

  • A link that you can insert directly onto your own web page. This provides your participants with easy access to the sign-up page (which can also be used for adjustments to their sign-up along the way), thus avoiding hundreds of emails going back and forth.

  • The management of payments. We take care of everything and settle with you after the event with a final invoice.

Management of accommodation

Managing accommodation for an event can be an overwhelming task if you are not used to it. You might not even know the total number of guests for your event when you negotiate the contract with the hotel, for example. Or perhaps you might not remember the agreed-upon deadlines, like cancellation deadlines in the midst of all your other assignments. And those are the kind of things that can cost you when you wind up having to pay for rooms that you didn’t need after all.

Our booking experts are champions of hotel management and will gladly assist you with:

  • Getting an allocated number of rooms

  • Negotiating contracts with the place of accommodation

  • Managing bookings and registrations of accommodation

  • Managing the participants’ rooms and no-shows (participants who do not show up and, therefore, don’t need a room)

  • Managing the participants’ individual needs and enquiries via email and phone, as well as coordination with the hotel staff.

Choice og venue

At OrgaNicer, we are here to help when you need to select the perfect location for your future conference, course, general assembly or other type of event. In addition to finding a venue that will provide the perfect backdrop for your event, there are also many practical things that you need to consider. Not to mention deadlines and extremely important conditions that you must be aware of if you don’t want to blow your budget.

Generally, we can negotiate a better price and/or better terms. In addition, we also help with:

  • Getting offers based on an agreement with you as the organiser.

  • Negotiating contracts with the venue, booking and registration of rooms, AV equipment, meals, etc.

  • Coordinating the participants in terms of capacity, meals, cancellation terms, and handling payments.

  • Having a continuous dialogue with the venue.

  • Providing guidance on seating, etc.

Abstract and papers

If you need to handle documents like abstracts and papers, OrgaNicer can also assist you. The setting up of abstracts and papers can be designed as an integrated part of the event’s sign-up form or as an annex.

OrgaNicer will help you from start to finish with abstracts and papers, including:

  • Creating an electronic sign-up form and graphics setup in partnership with you

  • Creating a link to upload abstracts to your event’s website

  • Online overview so that you as the organiser can follow the incoming presentations

  • Automatic number allocation at submission

  • A collective, general electronic document for the participants.


Seating is about managing exactly where your participants are placed at an event. Seating is a strong tool within meeting design. There can be many reasons why you want to keep track of where your participants are seated at a conference, gala dinner or lunch. We have managed the seating at many different events, for anything from 25 to 2,500 people.

Examples of when it makes sense to use seating:

  • When you want to give your VIPs an extraordinary experience.

  • When you want to help your participants network with the right people.

  • When you want to price differentiate your participant fee.

  • When you want to ensure that specific groups of participants are seated together (for example, because they requested it).

  • When you want to ensure that your participants strengthen their network within a certain business (which they will not do if they are simply seated with the people they always sit with – and most people do if you do not facilitate a different seating arrangement).

  • Or for completely different, individual reasons that depend on the type of event and its objective.


It’s good customer service to take care of transport for your participants when you hold an event. If you have too many assignments already, we will happily take care of organising the shuttles, no matter how big the task is – whether you have just one or even hundreds of participants.

Examples of assignments that we often take on for our clients:

  • Managing and negotiating with different transport providers, including bus, airplane, taxi, car rental, etc.

  • Registration of participants’ travel information.

  • Shuttle plans and coordination with the participants’ accommodation and venue, respectively.

  • Continuous support for the participants, including possible changes to travel plans.

  • Continuous dialogue with transport providers.

Online Stand booking

Do you have a number of partners or exhibitors that need a stand at your conference? Then we have just the right system, so you can provide your exhibitors with the option of easily booking a stand for your conference. It is all done online, which means that you avoid all the extra work.

Apart from booking stands, we also take care of the many questions that exhibitors might have:

  • How large can the stand be?

  • How many salespeople am I allowed to have in the stand?

  • Do we have to pay for our own meals?

  • What about accommodation for my staff?

  • Are there enough electricity outlets and lights in the stand?

On-site services

When you open the doors to your event, there are typically a lot of things to keep track of. Whether it is a conference, a fair, an annual meeting or any other type of professional event, there are always lots of small, practical assignments to take care of. This is a lot to handle while you also have to service the participants.

Among other things, we will happily assist you on site during your event with:

  • Check-in service

  • Handing out nametags

External secretarial services

OrgaNicer offers help with secretarial services for bodies such as associations. This may be in the form of communicative or administrative tasks related to the secretarial function.

Among other tasks, we can help you with:

  • Sending out invitations/meeting minutes

  • Managing participants at a general assembly, for example

  • Facilitating meetings

  • Managing member databases (registration/resignation)

  • Invoicing

  • Organising meetings, including the agenda

Travel management

If your employees or clients are going on a study trip or another journey, then let us arrange the transport and the stay for you. We can also help with the content of your journey.

In all likelihood, as we are a part of the industry, we can get a good overall price on your trip. Among other things, we can help with:

  • Transport to and from the airport and around the destination

  • Managing accommodation at the destination

  • Cultural and professional experiences on the trip

  • Visa applications


Invoicing is, at the most basic level, an easy assignment; however, it can also prove to be complex and difficult. Even though it should be simple, there are sometimes challenges at the point of retrieving payments from participants of an event, a conference, a convention for researchers or other type of professional event. It’s not necessarily that your participants don’t want to pay on time, there may be other issues at play.

This is where OrgaNicer comes in. We take on the task for you, so that you have time for more important and complicated tasks:

  • Correspondence back and forth with participants

  • Sending out invoices for a conference, for example

  • Sending out notices for lack of payment for the event

Side events

Of course, you have your official programme with speakers, workshops; all the formal stuff.
But actually, it makes perfect sense to expand the conference programme with optional side events that your participants can sign up for. It could be an option for all your participants or just for particular groups that you want to give the chance to have an informal dialogue.

Among other things, we can help you with: 

  • Social events

  • Excursions

  • Galla dinners

  • Boat rides

  • Team building

  • Networking dinners

Visa applications

Do you have foreign participants at your conference who will need a visa to attend your event?

OrgaNicer can manage the visa application process, including:

  • Sending out the invitation and having a dialogue about the application with the participant, in accordance with you as the organiser

  • Assistance til udfyldelse af nødvendige blanketter til ambassaden

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